lunedì 17 settembre 2012

First day of school!!!!!!!

Okay guys, It was awsome!!!!!! I didn't get lost But I can't open my locker at all... Every one was so nice... I met a guy Who helped me in latin and HE was so kind... He grave me some sheets that had the translation in modern is really different!!!! They have in every classroom a clock that you can turn on when the mani light is on! My latin teachers is awsome... He is my idol.. Actually HE looks like Tenca... But his attitude Not! A girl asked me How could I do such a cool hair... And another guy when I said that I come from Italy, HE scremed 'OH JERSEY SHOOOOORE!' oh, i don't think so ahah...i don't understand what kind of home word I have to do... But... You know... I'm the exchange student Ahahahah

1 commento:

  1. Cara Gaia,

    l' altra sera lo zio Michele ci ha fatto vedere
    gli aggiornamenti del tuo blog.
    A quanto pare sembra proprio che tu stia
    affrontando questa " insolita " esperienza
    negli Stati Uniti con parecchio entusiasmo.
    Questo é un fatto veramente importante.
    Siamo molto contenti per te...

    Un bacio.

    Nonno Federico e Nonna Lidia.


Ha scritto