mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012

What´s happening?

Hey there, how are you? I hope you're doing fine!
What about me? Ehm.. I can tell you that I didn't expect to have such amazing friends here... Today I was sad because it's hard to become part of a family that hasn't your values and thinks in a completely different way... It's hard staying here even if I'm not homesick... But today when my friends told me that they wanted to come to my place to stay with me, it was one of the best feelings ever. I can feel loved in one hand... The school's still hard, I have 200 pages to study of classical mythology but I try to do everything.. but sometimes I feel overwhelmed, I can't hide it.
Anyways on Friday Mag is gona come here in the afternoon cause we're gonna go at the drama play of our school, and I really can't wait... On Saturday night we're watching at 7.00 the Shrek Musical and on Sunday afternoon I was thinking about a shopping afternoon with the other guys!
At the moment I don't partecipate in any activity but I'm gonna do lots of stuff next semester or before... The sooner the better! 
About the language... I don't realize that I'm improving my english even if I know that it's improved... 
Another thing... I didn't notice that but everyone in my school is judged by someone, even if you don't know it. I changed 2 classes so I realized that there are many girls that (though the're not cheerleaders, cause here it works in another way therefore cheerleaders are for the most part ugly and stupid) are like in the movies... They're mean and you have to be careful about every word you say! Or you reputation is over. That's okay, you have just to know how to act with this kinda people and be true with who you trust the most. Well, if what doesn't kill you makes you stronger..... I'd expect to be really strong at the end of this experience!
Anyways I don't wanna loose my smile because there are people that feel happy when I smile.. I just mustn't care about the stupid things that people say, cause this world i's big and it's crazy. :)
I had so much fun at the homecoming, I danced a lot!!!! I really needed it! 
I also went at my first football game and it was fun even if I didn't know the rules ahah.. I'll post a video about the float building, it's so funny.. ahahah... well.. I think that's all. 
If you have question, leave a comment below. :) Kisses

3 commenti:

  1. Sii forte e coraggiosa, Gaietta, e sorridi sempre.
    E' vero il tuo sorriso fa felice tante persone.
    Non ti curare della gente stupida e cattiva, ignorala e stanne il più possibile alla larga.
    We miss you and love you,
    papà e mamma

  2. Gaiaa! qua va tutto bene!! sempre le solite cose! scuola-nuoto-casa! aahahahahah mi manchi tanto!!! :)
    Meno male che esiste questo blog così posso sapere come trascorri le tue giornate! ahahahhaah
    Mi raccomando impegnati a scuola! che tanto tu sei brava e ce la puoi fareee!!!!! HOLD ON!! Ahahahaahah
    spero di vedere presto un tuo video e spero soprattutto di vederti su skype!! kisses!!!!! XOXO

  3. I have a video But It's Too long and I don't have time to divide it and upload it so.. I hope I'll have some free time to do that! :)


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