domenica 27 gennaio 2013

Beauty And The Beast

It promises success, freedom, access, and economic opportunities. Beauty promises a myriad of exclusive and bountiful positive things and it promises relief and absolution from bad things. Beauty is so desirable that the ancient civilizations created gods and goddesses whose whole existence were to be beautiful and create beautiful things. Beauty is desired over more gracious attributes like being truthful or loyal. Beauty is so desirable that the ancient civilizations created gods and goddesses whose whole existence were to be beautiful and create beautiful things. Beauty is desired over more gracious attributes like being truthful or loyal. Beauty is ephemeral and in the end, the pursuit of it will lead to a track record of physical and emotional scars. st everyone from a boomer to a pre-teen want to be accepted. Many believe that being beautiful is the way to get attention and acceptance. Movies, TV herald the handsomeness of beauty as the epitome of getting riches, acceptance, comfort, love.
It is hard to live a regular life without being reminded of how important beauty is. Jobs and other socio-economic opportunities lie in the balance when someone is not attractive. There has been studies done of how an unattractive person will loose money over their professional lives in comparison to less experienced, but attractive people. Even though physical beauty varies from culture to culture, beauty, all around the world is synonymous with goodness or naughtiness, purity or sexiness, and other attributes that depending on who it is talking, can be highly desirable. When we see someone that is beautiful, we assume that the person is good on the inside (or interesting, dependable, etc.).
However, beautiful people get the benefit of the doubt nearly 100% of the time whereas unattractive people must prove themselves worthy again and again.
Even though beauty has its advantages, it shouldn't be the only or the essential measure on how we view ourselves or others. This idolization of beauty is causing younger children (boys and girls) to hate themselves, their bodies and their peers. Through magazines and other media like television and films and see how valuable and glorified beauty is, I become concern at the path that our societies are taking. 

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