lunedì 19 novembre 2012

Heeeeeeeeey!!!! Omg I wanna update my blog but I was sick the whole week and so busy with homework!
by the way I'll begin cross country skiing really soon, but I don't have any idea about when. Everything is going pretty much okay, nothing new is happening but I'm still learning a lot about myself. In positive ways of course xD At school is okay, in a few days is Thanksgiving day and I'm so excited cause I don't know what to expect from it... just eat a lot??? I truly love this celebration because sometimes we don't feel like we have everything we need in our life, well.. I can honestly tell you that as long as you have a single person that loves you and you are pretty much okay with you health, you are blessed. You have everything. You just don't realize it because you have it.. It's something that I learned here. That's why I want to tell that I feel lucky, blessed, strong enough, beautiful, gifted, happy, comfortable, in peace and in live with life. I won't never forgive myself for doing something that I don't like or don't follow my dreams for fear or for giving up. stand up, and fight for everything, you're strong enough!
I gained weight since I'm here but now I'm trying to be in good shape for Floridaaaaa! :D I'm so excited.
Did you guys watch Breaking dawn??? It's awesome, I cried.. It was too sad and too beautiful at the same time.... I started years ago to read the book and probably I spend at least one thought about it. It changed my life, as well as many others...
At the moment I'm trying to figure out what I wanna do at University... and I'm torn cause there are so many beautiful states: United Kingdom, Scotland, Netherlands... It's a hard choice, believe me. All in all everything is okay! Alaska is amazing as always and I should take more pictures but I'm too busy to live my life here, even if sometimes you find yourself so bored cause we don't have a ride easily, but I hope it'll be better... With the language is getting better, last time a guy didn't realize I was a foreigner xD Mag is not here this week and I'm missing him cause we have so much fun together but everything is so peaceful now ahah..

If I have something really important to share I'll post something as soon as possible \Bye guys 

3 commenti:

  1. I watched the Breaking dawn and oh loved it!
    Florida ?! Are you going to florida? If u're I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeerryyyy jealous for that ! have fun darling <3

  2. We do love you SOOO much, Gaia, if you are with us or far away.
    We miss you.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Cara Gaia,

    anche a Milano e dintorni l' inverno é alle porte.
    Le foglie cadono dagli alberi e comincia a fare
    piuttosto freddo.
    Abbiamo saputo che ultimamente non sei stata
    molto bene.
    Speriamo che adesso tu stia meglio e ti sia rimessa.
    Manca circa un mese a Natale e sicuramente senza
    di te sarà meno bello del solito.
    Cosa possiamo fare se non attendere nel frattempo
    il tuo ritorno ?
    D' altronde l' importante é sentirci vicini anche se
    siamo lontani.
    Prova a rifletterci un attimo.
    Non vedi forse quanta gente si trova seduta insieme
    nei luoghi pubblici eppure si ignora a vicenda ?
    Sono lì uno accanto all' altro nei bar, nei ristoranti, nei cinema,
    nei teatri, sugli autobus e via dicendo, ma tra loro esiste una
    barriera invisibile, addirittura più grande dei 9000 chilometri
    che separano Milano da Anchorage.
    Evidentemente l' indifferenza é un ostacolo che nemmeno
    un Airbus A330 può attraversare...



Ha scritto