mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

A few minutes of perfection :)

Gaia Quinto
Digital Composition
Viral Event

"A Few Minutes of Perfection!" YouTube. YouTube, 07 Dec. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.

“A few mines of perfection!” is a video made to make a positive action choice. It represents an idealized society where everybody helps everybody else. With this video the author hopes that people can watch it and make a change and a positive action whenever they can.
Everything starts with a child that helped a fellow student who was just bullied. This guy was amazed by that nice gesture, small to do but really big for who receives it. He internalized that gesture of kindness and in the video we see that, even many years later, he is helping other people too. And those who were affected by other people’s gestures, decide to give it back. That is how the chain reaction started, with a small and cheap gesture of kindness.
The video presents a large amount of different situations and all of them are related thanks to the person that in the scene before has seen receiving love and in the scene after the same person gives love back. The song chosen is very appropriate. The singer says that love is his whole being and he shared what he could. He also suggests the listener that life is the one that gave the love first and that if you give a little love you can have a little love of your own – this is basically what the video is about, sharing love.
In the tile the word “perfection” suggests that all those people who, helping each other, are building a perfect society and in that way, even realistically speaking, many society’s  issues can truly get better and better and almost reaching a perfect community.
“A few minutes of perfection!” is a video that proves how nice, important and helpful a single gesture of kindness is. It shows how every person has something to give to make a change and how important is to start. A little but powerful action will let the chain reaction continue, just like one spark can start a fire.

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